Train Station
I saw this picture on
Reddit or something, and I decided to recreate it. There were other decorations
I wanted to put in the train station, like a Goblin-themed vending machine and
better-looking torches. I needed to wrap it up and move on.
To build the environment, I re-used the tileset that I made for my Wave Function
Collapse level editor. Rather than copying the tiles into this blender file and
arranging the tiles by hand, I was able to use my level editor in Godot, then
snapshot the scene using
and export the tscn
as GLTF, which I then imported in Blender.
The major caveat is that even though many tiles are re-used throughout the
scene, the exported GLTF contains duplicated mesh data. I plan on looking into
whether this is something that can be optimized in Godot’s exporter or is a
restriction in the GLTF format. The blend
file should not be 90 megabytes.
I also played around with keying arbitrary properties and actually touched the Non-Linear animation stuff for the first time.